The Warren Concert Band is a team of volunteer musicians banded together to perform serious and recreational concert band repertoire. Founded by Donald Engstrom in 1972, and conducted by Thomas Carey until his sudden death in 1984, the band has experienced consistent improvement throughout the years. With a well balanced instrumentation of 65 members, the Warren Concert Band is able to perform contemporary and traditional band compositions and transcriptions with polish. Douglas Bianchi, Director of Bands at
The band rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. from September through April. Our concert schedule includes a Sunday afternoon concert in late October, a concert shared with the General Motors Employees Chorus on a Sunday afternoon in early December, a Sunday afternoon concert in early March, and a Sunday afternoon concert shared with the Warren Community Chorus in late April. Currently the rehearsals are in the Instrumental Music room at
The band is governed by an elected board which includes fourteen band members, six community members, and the Director who serves in an "ex-officio" capacity. In honor of one of its long-term members, Mary Lee Carey Fitz, the band sponsors several student scholarships each year.